How to order

Carefully view all goods we offer, separated in different categories and lists, including promotions, best-selling, best price etc. By a click on photo or title of an item you will open its detail page. Here you may read the full description, view a bigger photo and also send a link to a friend. Every order is accomplished from the detail page of the relevant good.
If you have already made your choice and want to make a purchase from you must open the detail page of the wanted item and fill every one of the falling menus for colour and size followed by the ''BUY'' button. Now your order is added to your shopping basket. You can choose unlimited count of items. Click on the basket placed in the upper right corner of the website (below search), to make an actual order. This could be seen on every page of the on-line shop and the count of the wanted items will be registrated. Now you must proceed successfully through four steps of sending an order.
Step 1: Here you will see a list of your wanted goods, their individual price and the total cost of the order. You can choose more than one item. By a click on the ''refresh'' button the total cost you must pay will be recalculated. If you want to cancel any of the listed items you may remove it from the list by the ''delete'' button and it will not be included in your actual order. In case you have an electronic voucher you must type the code in the respective space for deduction. Here you will find information for the approximate cost of the delivery but after you have proceed through steps 3 and 4. You must also type the delivery address and the way of payment. To continue to step 2 click the ''step 2'' button.
Step 2: This is the step where you must fill out your personal data needed for the delivery accomplishment. It is not needed to type your data every time if you have a registration in our website. This step gives you the option to add new delivery addresses. After inscribing new address in the database you must activate the wanted delivery location by the blue point in the lower right corner. You may go back to step 1 and edit your order again. Click the ''step 3'' button after specifying the delivery address.
Step 3: Here you must choose the payment option for your order. If you prefer cash payment you must pay the order's price and final delivery cost defined from the courier to the agent who delivers it to you.
If you choose on-line payment you will pay the price of the purchase, but you must pay the courier's cost when you receive the order.
In the cases when the delivery is payed by District the costs will not be deducted. You can return to step 1: editing the items and checking the approximate delivery cost calculated by Speedy calculator. Proceed to ''step 4'' after you are ready with your choice.
Step 4: Here you can check your order again and make corrections where is needed. Click on the ''CONFIRM ORDER'' button after you are done. 
You will receive a notice for confirming your e-mail after you make a successful order. Follow the sent link. You can track your order's status anytime in your account.
All orders confirmed by customers will be processed according to the specified terms below.
If there are any technical problems with your order or not received copies to your e-mail, please contact our agent on [email protected] or call 0701 90009.
The term for delivery includes technical order processing - up to 3 working days. It could be extended up to 5 working days during the period of seasonal sales, depending on the product's delivery location and the type of the courier service.
Courier expenses cost 
Cost of delivered orders which do not qualify the terms of free shipping.


up to 1

up to 2

up to 5

up to 10

up to 15

up to 20

+ every add. kg.








+0,47 BGN

• If you make a cash payment 0,8% will be added to the cost.
• If you make an on-line payment 0,2% will be added to the cost.
• The tennis tables delivery has a fixed cost of 30,00 BGN.
• Two orders from one customer made in one day could be delivered togather if the customer had connected the indicated coordinates for communication with District. In case of more than one delivery for a customer, a District agent will inform him for confirmation.
The delivery term of the order begins at the moment of confirming it. In case of delaying in performing the order out of the specified terms, you can track your order's status in your personal profile.
Thank you for choosing District!